Rin no Kai LA

The heart of gratitude and harmony makes people happy!

Welcome to Rin no Kai!

Yoriko Hannah Takami, (Yoriko Kageyama)

Utilizing my experience of a former actress, I am working to foster a young generation of traditional Japanese performing arts.

The heart of gratitude and harmony makes people happy!

Would you like to enjoy experience Japan? Would you like to wear Kimono, learn Japanese dance,
experience the tea ceremony, and learn more about Japanese culture?


Born in Tokyo, spent childhood and school days in Fukuoka and Osaka. Spent 12 years in Tokyo as an actress performing TV drama, historical drama stage, models, commercials, etc. Moved to New York in 1997, spent four years studying for a play, got married, and moved to Los Angeles in 2001. After that, established a NPO, Pacific Theatre locally in LA/Orange County area, and
volunteers achieved more than 100 performances including at retirement homes and schools.

At the same time, she continued to practice Japanese dance and Nagauta, which she had studied in Japan. She became an official Dance Teacher of the Seiha Wakayagi and established the “Rin no Kai” in 2019. She continued to performed on many stages, including the Surgeon Storm Center of Arts, the Japan-American Hall, UCLA, and UC Irvine.
In Recent years, at the Montessori International Academy in Santa Ana, she has been teaching children the traditional Japanese dance and adult kimono dressing. She is also practicing Nagauta and Shamisen. The Omotesenke certified tea name “Sorin” and Yamano style certified Kimono Dressing Instructor. The CA state licensed cosmetologist. Away from Japan, she is keenly aware of the beauty of Japanese tradition and is working hard to gain popularity of traditional Japanese culture and performing arts in United States.